Sitemap - 2023 - Youier Podcasts

Redeeming time

With me

Love is all you need

Relationship first, always

All things and all circumstances

Talking with you brings me great joy!

Nothing can separate you from my love

Shine, dear one!

Love wins, always

You're never bothering me!

Feeling stuck or uncertain?

Loved in this moment

Hand in hand with me

Right now is my time!

I always will!

Let people in

Fun is key

This moment is a part of our story

Everything is more fun when we explore together

Don't put me in a box!

My best for your good

Nothing is off limits

One moment of one day at a time

I love to partner with you

I want to go deeper with you

I've got you!

You being Youier is your thing!

Be you, with me

Don't give up, give in

Leadership 22: Legacy & Celebration!

Leadership 21: Leading Leaders

What does doing life together look like?

I know exactly what you need

Take me at my word!

What's in your hand?

Life together is my priority

Bring me all your questions

Cheering you on every step of the way

Embrace life!

Just ask

What if you did more of the things that light you up?

Let me help you in your unbelief

Keep your love on

One foot in front of the other

Everything makes a difference

How are you really feeling?

Carrots beat sticks every time!

With me is the real key

I am for everyone

Trust the nudges

There is so much on my heart concerning you

Leadership 20: There is a season for everything

Life is seasonal, intentionally so

Can you simply enjoy the journey?

The best is yet to come!

Dr Mike Simmons: God's got it!

Tell me what you need

Beautiful and done from my perspective

You're very special

Leadership 19. Digging Deeper Into Momentum

Live like you're loved!

It's time to grow

Can you take me at my word and thrive?

Irene Read: The power of words

What's on your heart that is needed today?

You're not meant to play on your own!

You are as loved as Jesus!

Leadership 18. Momentum

Time is not what you think it is

What's your thing?

Relationships are my priority

Godlove Nzimbi: A Spirit Led Adventure

The wonder in this moment?

Focus on relationships

You delight me!

Leadership 17: Guard Your Heart

The day that changes everything?

What if there's no such thing as normal?

The real invitation

Brad Robertson: Addicted To Grace

You're exactly where you need to be

You have everything you need in this moment

It's time to stop fighting against who I created you to be

Leadership 16: Intuition & Trusting The Nudge

Don't give up!

You are not an accident!

What if?

Rafiat Adekunle: Child-like faith

Can you trust me?

What if life is simple?

Stay in your lane

Leadership 15: Leadership On A Mission

Take the next step with me!

What about those days when you feel a bit meh?

I want to do life with you

Paul Granger: An ambassador of Christ

It's time to embrace the next chapter together!

Fearfully and wonderfully made

Conversation is key

Leadership 14: Personal Growth

Share my heart

What is it time to stop doing?

All things, without exception

Fully alive, fully human!

Adam Jones: From checklist living to being present and enjoying today

How do you flourish and thrive?

Are you ready to take me at my word and thrive?

Leadership 13: The Paschal Mystery

Let's go!

Relationship, not religion

Do you want to play?

Arms wide open!

Donna Maukonen: Living intentionally with God

In me, in love

What lies have you been believing about me?

Expect the unexpected

I don't make junk!

It's time to let go of the outcome!

You are magnificent!

Paul Long: Journeying through the fluidity of God's will

This day has a purpose!

Pause in this moment

Leadership 12: Self-discipline

I have not changed my mind

It's time to show fear the door!

What would be your perfect ordinary day?

Shawn Donahoo: Good is the enemy of best

This moment is all there is

Take me at my word

Begin again

Leadership 11: Going Deeper Into Vision

Do from a place of being

You're never "too much" for me

What promises are done from God's perspective?

Relationship is my invitation

Amy Allmon: Exciting devotion to Jesus

Love from the overflow

I'm moving in this moment

Leadership 10: Vision

Start with love

Hacking your brain to make this week more lovely

Today is not the end of the story

Welcome to the Youier podcast!

Heidi & Lisa from Hope Pantry: The grace of God

With you every step of the way

Let's go!

Fear, be gone!

Leadership 9: Servant Leadership

Your mind is my playground!

What if?

I don't make junk!

Deborah Thurman: God wants to be your best friend!

You don't need to know all the answers

My love is vital!

Leadership 8: Attitude

Your fullest identity

Embrace the truth

Stay in your lane and trust the nudges

Stuart Watkins: Leading by listening

It's always been about love

Have faith

Leadership 7: Lead with love

I am interested in everything

Delight in this moment

Embrace me!

Dr Tony Robinson: Hearing the Father's love

Heather Clayton: Living from a place of surrender

Esther Weaver: Helping you understand you

Carol Hall: Journeying deeper into relationship with God

Stop striving

The only accolade you need

Leadership 6: Creating Positive Change

Lean in

The outcome is on me

You have the mind of Christ

Want to make a difference in the world?

Leadership 5: Character

Engage me in everything

Embrace who you are in me

Welcome to Lead By Design!

I am singing over you

Good is the enemy of my best for you

You have not been here before

Where do you need to be today?

Leadership 4: Priorities

I want to have fun with you!

Perfectly and wonderfully made

A lifestyle of daily exploration

With me is the only key

Lean in

Leadership 3: Influence

Step out again

Step by step, together

Believe again

I am good

Rest and revelation are fuel

Leadership 2: Authority in overcoming

Love makes the world go round

Take each step with me

I want to be known by you

Simple and easy

Good is the enemy of best

Leadership 1: Why are you here?

Expect the unexpected

What season are you in?

Created for a life of joy

A natural consequence of remaining

Hope again

Jesus, the ultimate care package

Who are you?