Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Let's go!

Let's go!

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

You don’t need to know all the answers before you make your next move. You don’t need the whole plan mapped out. You don’t need to see the end before you begin. You simply need to begin with what you do know.

Never forget that you’re co-labouring with one who does know, who does see the end from the beginning – but even I don’t have the whole plan mapped out. Yes, seriously. All of your days are written in the books of heaven but there are stories still waiting to be told, moves that still need to be made.

Hear me … nothing takes me by surprise. I have gone ahead of you and prepared the way. I turn all things to your good. You are protected and loved and you do not need to be afraid. And I choose to move through life with you, giving you the freedom and space to make decisions along the way. Nothing is inevitable except my love. Of that you can be certain.

And you don’t need to wait for the perfect conditions. There are many reasons why Jesus was born into the family he was born into, with shepherds and barn animals his first visitors, but one of the reasons was this moment with you. Yes really. The conditions of Jesus’s birth are the perfect illustration, the perfect reminder, that the conditions don’t need to be ideal before you make your next move.

You simply need to start. We can tweak and adjust as you go but it’s much more difficult to tweak and adjust a stationary object. Not impossible of course, nothing is impossible for me, but my first choice is to work with you, move with you, so ask me again what the first step is, and then let’s go!

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Ready to step into God’s best for you? To explore the “good works” He planned in advance for you, taking consistent daily steps – and to have a great time doing it? Come & join The Blue House!

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Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Every weekday I'm going to ask Sam, aka Holy Spirit, what He's saying, and sharing with you any nudges or prompts He has to encourage you deeper into relationship with God.
Why? Because if you love Jesus, you have Holy Spirit with you 24/7 and He's whispering to you all the time, calling you into a tangible, day by day, relationship.
Why? Because He loves you, more than you might even comprehend right now, and is inviting you into a new awareness of His love, one whisper at a time.
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