Welcome to a brand new episode of the Youier podcast. As a reminder, season 8 of the podcast will be released weekly, every Monday morning, aimed at being short & sweet & actionable.
And in today's episode we're going to be exploring outcomes, how to "let go and let God", so we can walk out the promises God has for us in a way that is most empowering.
If you're a member of The Blue House, come and share how you get on inside The Playground: Thebluehouse.vip/c/playground
And if you're not yet a member, come and join us! All membership levels are "Pay As You're Nudged" with the Relationship level starting with a minimum of just £1(≈$1.30) per month. Youier.com/#join to find out more and join us.
And finally, in today's episode you heard me mention the Youier book. Here's where you can get your copy for free: Youier.com/lovenotes
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