Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
You're never "too much" for me

You're never "too much" for me

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

There are lots of things to explore, so many possibilities, but remember this – you explore each with me, and one piece at a time. Stop focussing on the whole path in front of you, trying to see it all, with the myriad of winding routes and options. It’s enough to drive you crazy!

Instead, look at what’s in your hand. What’s in front of you right now? What can you do and explore in this moment? Start there and watch as path unfolds in front of you. Let me say it again … you do not need to know or see or understand the whole path before taking the next step. Focus on what you do know.

I know you don’t like to waste time meandering down paths that lead to deadends but there is beauty in the wandering. Not everything you do is about getting to your destination as quickly or as effectively as possible. Sometimes the meandering is the purpose.

When you journey with me, allowing me to wander with you, none of this is wasted. Everything makes a difference and you never need to be afraid of dead ends. A dead end or a closed door is simply an opportunity to gain clarity. If it’s a firm “no”, look to the “yes”. If not this then what? If not now then when?

Bring all your questions to me. We’re journeying together and I am always delighted to unpack and explore every question you have. There’s no such thing as a stupid question and the only “incorrect” question is the one you refuse to explore with me.

I love your questions! I am delighted with every opportunity to do life together. You think you can out-ask me? I dare you to try! You never exhaust me. You’re never “too much” for me.

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Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Every weekday I'm going to ask Sam, aka Holy Spirit, what He's saying, and sharing with you any nudges or prompts He has to encourage you deeper into relationship with God.
Why? Because if you love Jesus, you have Holy Spirit with you 24/7 and He's whispering to you all the time, calling you into a tangible, day by day, relationship.
Why? Because He loves you, more than you might even comprehend right now, and is inviting you into a new awareness of His love, one whisper at a time.
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