Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Fear, be gone!

Fear, be gone!

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

I’m inviting you to lean back, let go, and rest in who I am to you. Picture the eagle gliding across the cloudless sky, held up by the warm currents, invisible to the naked eye but powerful nonetheless. As you move through today, I want you to become aware of being held, supported, lifted up by me, by my love. Likewise invisible to the naked eye but even more powerful.

You are not alone, you are never alone, and those moments when it feels otherwise are simply opportunities to press in. Ask me to open all your senses so you can experience me and my love in a fresh way in this moment.

Rest in my love. I am love and in me you live and breathe so catch what that really means … you live and breathe love. Take a deep breath. Allow love to expand in your chest. Breathe out and see yourself swimming in my invisible but powerful love. Love is all around you. I am all around you. And in you. And beside you. And going ahead of you. And bringing up the rear guard.

You really are more protected than you realise so why are you so afraid? And what are you afraid of? You can’t get it wrong and you’re not running out of time so what else? You think you can let me down or show me up? Never! You’re powerful, truly brilliant, but you’re not that powerful!

Stand up. It’s time to shake off all fear, let it fall to the ground. Brush any residue fear from your clothes. Perfect love, my love, casts out all fear. There is no fear in love and you are soaking in love, drenched from the top of your head to the end of your toes, so where can fear live? Fear, be gone!

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Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Every weekday I'm going to ask Sam, aka Holy Spirit, what He's saying, and sharing with you any nudges or prompts He has to encourage you deeper into relationship with God.
Why? Because if you love Jesus, you have Holy Spirit with you 24/7 and He's whispering to you all the time, calling you into a tangible, day by day, relationship.
Why? Because He loves you, more than you might even comprehend right now, and is inviting you into a new awareness of His love, one whisper at a time.
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