Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Focus on relationships

Focus on relationships

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

Stop trying to plan so far ahead. Yes, you like to be prepared and there are certain expectations which require you to be in certain places at certain times but you invest a lot of energy in trying to keep up – or catch up!

What if you stopped trying to catch up? What if you are exactly where you need to be for such a time as this? What if you’re not late or behind? What if everything is unfolding just as it needs to? What if you stopped comparing yourself to the people around you and instead simply embraced your journey with me?

Life is about more than the destination. Yes, there is a destination – both in this age and in the age to come, but stop focussing all your attention on getting to the destination as quickly as possible. I’ll say it again … life is about more than the destination. Doing life with me is not simply about reaching the finish line.

I am interested, very interested, in how you’re journeying and who you are becoming as you travel. This is not promises being fulfilled at any cost, remember? Yes, all my promises are yes and I simply need your amen but you are more important to me than my promises. Your relationships – both with me and the people around you – are more important to me than checking off goals.

You want to step into my very best for you. You want to realise every dream and ambition I’ve laid on your heart. You want to be and do and enjoy everything that I have for you. I want that for you too yes, but not at any cost.

Focus on relationship. People are my priority because it’s through people that I move with my love. Ask me what that looks like today. Ask me to help you prioritise relationship. That’s what it really means to “seek first the Kingdom” because the Kingdom is built with love. I know what you need so trust me, seek first the Kingdom, and let me help you love well today.

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Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Every weekday I'm going to ask Sam, aka Holy Spirit, what He's saying, and sharing with you any nudges or prompts He has to encourage you deeper into relationship with God.
Why? Because if you love Jesus, you have Holy Spirit with you 24/7 and He's whispering to you all the time, calling you into a tangible, day by day, relationship.
Why? Because He loves you, more than you might even comprehend right now, and is inviting you into a new awareness of His love, one whisper at a time.
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