Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Have faith

Have faith

Today’s Holy Spirit Love Note:

Lift up your eyes to the hills. Where does your help come from? Your help comes me, the Maker of heaven and earth. You are partnering today with the One who spoke the stars into being, the One who pays so much attention to you, each and every hair on your head is numbered, the One who knows what you’re going to say before you even finish formulating the thought in your mind.

That’s who you’re co-labouring with today. Is anything too difficult for me? Why then do you worry? Why the anxiety? I know you don’t see the end from the beginning and, as such, life feels uncertain, but have faith in the One who does.

It’s not about the size of your faith. A tiny seed of faith is all you need. The real power and certainty of faith comes from in Whom you have that faith. A whole stadium full of faith is useless if that huge quantity of faith is in the abilities of a giraffe or a rock or a beachball! You think I’m being ridiculous but I couldn’t be more serious. Have faith in me, the One and only, King of kings and Lord of lords, and you need only the smallest quantity.

And so I ask you again … is there anything you’re facing today that is too difficult for me or beyond my reach? Is there any promise you’re holding onto that I cannot partner with you to see realised? Is there someone you love who my love cannot touch?

The answer, of course, is no, nothing is outside of my reach, my love, my care and my provision. Why then do your actions sometimes suggest otherwise? Bring all things to me. Partner with me in every thing. Allow us to do this day together, and the one after that and the one after that. Keep asking questions, hearing my heart, and allow me to move in your life today.

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Youier Podcasts
Sam Says
Every weekday I'm going to ask Sam, aka Holy Spirit, what He's saying, and sharing with you any nudges or prompts He has to encourage you deeper into relationship with God.
Why? Because if you love Jesus, you have Holy Spirit with you 24/7 and He's whispering to you all the time, calling you into a tangible, day by day, relationship.
Why? Because He loves you, more than you might even comprehend right now, and is inviting you into a new awareness of His love, one whisper at a time.
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