Sitemap - 2021 - Youier Podcasts

Welcome to 2022!

On the brink of a brand new year …

Joy to the world!

Moment by moment

The secret sauce


This isn’t the end of the story

Promises a day away?

Bring every word to me

You being you is your superpower

My absolute best?

While you wait, love

It is time to shine!

One day at a time together

Intentional, expectant, relationship


Are you ready to play?

Trust the ripples

This moment is spectacular!

Trust the nudges

There is no fear in love

Open the gift with me

Living in the reality of my presence

I am in every moment

Your problems are my problems

You make my heart sing!

Know my voice, hear my heart

One breath at a time

This is our moment

Youier foreword: A call to action

What are you expecting?

Does you being Youier help usher in the Kingdom?

Happy Birthday Youier!

Do goals give you the heebie jeebies?

Not sure? Ask!

What are you celebrating?

What themes are you leaving in 2021?

Love while you’re waiting

The second best time is now!

Ending Act 3 (AKA “The Final Quarter”) Well

Structure your year like a story!

The most excellent way … love!

Hearing God doesn’t need to be complicated

Confirmation, not revelation

It’s time to uncover the paths

Keep sowing!

Rooted in love?

Plant where you’ll bloom!

Stop waiting for “a word” from God!

How does God want to be known by you?

Think hearing God is only for specific people & seasons?

Too busy to hear God?

What’s stopping you?

Why do we believe what we believe?

Is happiness even biblical?

Happy all the time?

You hear voices in your head?!?

Celebrating the wins!

Celebrating community

Celebrating the unseen

Celebrating consistency!

Waiting while taking action

Waiting for others to catch up!

Waiting on God’s answers

Waiting on God’s promises

Being afraid or overwhelmed doesn’t make us bad!

What about those times when we get side-tracked?

It was never about the specifics!

“Did God really say?!?”

A beautiful, glorious mess!

Guard your heart!

An invitation to try something different

Celebrate the small stuff!

When you feel like walking away or giving up …

You are not an accident!

A little bird told me …

Holy Spirit Sat Nav!

Don’t know? Do love!

You’re not “too” anything

What stories are you hanging onto?

Be kind to yourself!

But can you trust Him?!?

You are God’s work of art & He doesn’t need a do over!

It’s time to claim your royal identity!

Joy in the little things

What about those days when you feel like you just don’t know?

God is THAT good!

Life’s a mixed bag!

Wisdom & welcoming

Youier book launch!

Not everyone’s going to get you – and that’s okay!

What does suffering really look like?

Ready to walk on water?

It (still!) all comes back to love

What about those times when God seems to flipflop?

Taking what the enemy meant for evil & turning it to good!

“Bring me all things”

Doing battle with our greatest weapon – love!

ARK defeat darkness – even when people don’t realise it!

What if focussing on love is how we actually resist?

‘Seek first the Kingdom’ was always about My heart

One thing at a time, with Me

Heaven’s perspective changes everything!

It all comes back to love – again!

Even silver-lining spotters have meh moments!

Heaven’s solution for worry & angst

Broken but always precious, with Laura Edmonds

Nothing! I have nothing!

Stop chasing “you” and first explore the “ier”!

Nothing is wasted

Do your dreams need a reboot?

Even the seasons have wiggle room!

Words have power!

Love that whispers what you need, not what you were asking!

An invitation to play – even when you’ve messed up!

A love that’s not boring! with Janalyn Floyd

Love freeing you from perfection

Love as an antidote to meh?

Living in the bigness of who God made you, with Eboni L

Waiting for the perfect time? Stop!

God’s love in the breaking point, with Craig Pickerill

God can redeem all things!

“Did I say that?!?”

What if God nudged you with the very best question?

Loving when we don’t want to! with Esther Ezinne Etigwe-Uwa

God’s the best gift-giver – ever!

God loves a name! with Patrice Patrick

God’s love for you is not determined by your feelings!

God’s love in the struggles, with Angela Talent

Love when you’re hurting, with Tracey Joy

Love taking care of the “how”, with Amanda Krill

God doesn’t just meet your needs – He loves to overdeliver!

Love that really helps, with Rolonda Miles-Best

If God’s niggling you it’s time to remember He wants your best!

Love that really helps, with Carolyn Street

Just like any good Dad, God’s always reaching out!

Love in discipline, with DiEsha Carter

A Mother’s Love, with Odinn Alloway

The real magic’s in the original!

Healing love, with Tina Hester

Conversation has power!

Be strong and courageous, with Vinee from It’s Not Impossible

A love that seeks out the one, with Acelia Synman

A love that never changes, with Laura Edmonds

Bonus extended edition: Questions, strategies – and I don’t want to!

Questions, strategies – and I don’t want to!

A love that never stops comforting, with Carol Ann

Do we need a translator to talk to God?!

Vision and intimacy with God – with Jesse Cole

Words have power – and it’s time to use them!

A love that makes you feel alive! with Petra Wamanya

God really is that good!

Helping God keep the water flowing, with Jill Brown

If God loves you just as you are (He does!) then why not be you?!?

A birthday gift to remember, with Kelly Baader

Bonus extended edition: God really is a GREAT Dad – and He gives GREAT gifts!

God really is an amazing Dad – and He gives amazing gifts!

What about when growth feels niggly?

What if God’s inviting you into a new conversation?

May The Fourth!

Working through the nudges

He loves me – but can I trust Him?!?

When it feels like it’s too much …

God’s speaking through everything!

A celebration of love

How do you hear God?

All a game?

What are the lies about God you’ve grown up believing?

This is not the end